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High-Quality Custom Nail Polish Boxes | Stand Out on Shelves

Nail Polish Boxes

One of the most desirable and beautiful cosmetic products is nail polish, which is applied to the fingertips or toes to enhance their beauty. Our Custom Printed Nail Polish Boxes are designed to enhance the appeal of this product. Packaging in our uniquely designed boxes will make your nail colour range look even more appealing. There is great interest in nail paints displayed in fully customized boxes containing all the information necessary to understand the item. Our company offers various additional choices to design boxes to your specifications. These boxes are manufactured using quality materials that protect the nail polishes from damage or spoilage during production. Get these Ecological and Affordable Custom Boxes from us.

Key Features

  • Feel free to add any special features
  • Support for free design
  • All UK deliveries are free of charge
  • Setup, plates, and die-cuts are free
  • Mock-ups in 2D and 3D for free
  • We offer 24/7 customer service
  • Methods of secure payment
  • Competitive prices
  • Our cutting-edge services
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Take advantage of our designed Custom Nail Polish Boxes.

This quality and error-free nail polish boxes can be customized to meet the needs of your product. The UK is home to many famous packaging companies that can assist you in making your nail polish boxes and improving your brand identity. The company assists you in designing or modifying your brand’s packaging according to your requirements. If you are looking for a new design for your nail polish box, please consider the famous printing art designer. He will provide you with pretty, secure boxes suitable for your beauty products.

Make your nail polish packaging stand out with quality and unique features.

  • Fashion-conscious girls are always looking for something new; therefore, these nail polish boxes incorporate several features that meet a stylish individual’s needs.
  • With hang tabs and die-cut windows, custom nail polish boxes UK make retail displays simple.
  • With auto bottom tray style, these custom nail polish boxes are easy to assemble.
  • The friction lock top closure makes them very easy to open and close.
  • Customers are attracted to nail polish boxes due to their outstanding glueing score, perforation, die-cutting, and finishing.
  • Matte UV, Gloss AQ, and Gloss UV are additional options we can provide to meet the needs of your business.


The nail polish packaging is available in various shapes, sizes, finishes, and font styles. Using these containers will enable you to distinguish your product from other items of the same kind and give it an exceptional appearance. You can increase the value of your item by adding a handle to the top or the side since it simplifies the process of carrying the crate and opening it. Your organization’s name embossed on a product can leave a lasting impression on customers, regardless of whether they can see it directly.

Organizers are also an important component of women’s make-up units in addition to Nail Polish Boxes UK. Coordinating various nail-cleaning articles correctly is the responsibility of these coordinators. This prevents them from breaking due to an inadvertent bumping into one another. The coordinators should be extremely slick and fashionable.

Custom Printed Nail Polish Boxes in the UK

As one of the leading Nail Polish Boxes UK packaging companies, Custom Boxes provides various options for choosing and customizing your packaging box. It has always been challenging to select the appropriate packaging for your product that perfectly corresponds to its characteristics. Custom Boxes Near Me UK has a team of designers who can help you choose the perfect packaging for your product. You may get any design or pattern you desire printed without hidden fees.

You can always ask our specialists if you need help selecting a great design. We are always available to assist you. Customizing nail clean boxes allows you to select the packaging box perfectly suited to the item you are packaging. As determined by the components of your item and how you want it presented, we can customize the size, shape, printing type, and finishing type. The best option will likely be rich packaging with a high-quality item inside.

Wholesale pricing and bulk order discounts

The purpose of Custom Boxes Near Me UK is not to compromise on quality; we are here to offer a real benefit that benefits us and our customers. As a result, we offer exceptionally competitive and reasonable costs that are incomparable to quotes from other businesses. We also offer our customers bulk discounts and special offers that include free delivery, free printing plates, and free die-cutting gear to better serve them.

Options for printing

At Custom Boxes Near Me, we offer these boxes with various printing options to enhance the appearance of nail polish and match the customer’s needs. We utilize advanced printing techniques such as CMYK and PMS as part of our printing process. In addition to providing the boxes with a bright and striking appearance, these methods are highly demanding. Nail Polish Boxes with Custom Printed Designs are the first choice of cosmetic business holders whenever they require an attractive packaging solution for displaying manicure products.

Choices available

We at Custom Boxes Near Me can provide Nail Polish Boxes that meet your specifications. You can choose from various finishing options, such as gloss, matte, aqueous coating, spot UV, lamination, silver/gold foiling, and embossing. Die-cut boxes are ideal for displaying the colours of nail paint packed inside them. On request, we provide free design assistance with a variety of modifications. Any size, shape, style, or quantity can be ordered.

Make your nail polish brand more popular by packaging it in quality boxes. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. If you would like a free quote, please contact us. Our Nail Polish Boxes are of high quality and come at a reasonable price with no shipping charge.

Box Style Custom Perfume Boxes
Dimension (L + W + H) All Custom Sizes & Shapes
Quantities No Minimum Order Required
Stock The following stocks are available: 100 pound C1S, 120 pound C2S, 200 pound C1S / C2S, Kraft card stock (80 pound and 100 pound), and corrugated board
Printing A CMYK print, a CMYK print plus one PMS color, and a CMYK print plus two PMS colors are available
Finishing We offer gloss and matte laminations, gloss and matte AQ, gloss UV, matt UV, spot UV, foiling, embossing, and rolling
Included Options Die Cutting, Gluing, Scored,Perforation
Additional Options Eco-Friendly, Recycled Boxes, Biodegradable
Proof Flat View, 3D Mock-up, Physical Sampling (On request)
Turnaround 6 – 8 Business Days, RUSH
Shipping FLAT


  1. What sizes and shapes of custom nail polish boxes are available?

We offer a variety of sizes and shapes for custom nail polish boxes to suit your specific needs. Whether you need standard rectangular boxes or unique custom shapes, we can create the perfect packaging for your nail polish products.

  1. Is there a minimum order requirement for custom nail polish boxes?

No, there is no minimum order requirement. Custom Boxes Near Me caters to small and large orders, ensuring you get the exact quantity you need without any restrictions.

  1. Can I get a sample of my custom nail polish box before placing a full order?

Yes, we offer sample boxes so you can see the design and quality before committing to a full order. Your expectations will be met as a result of this process.

  1. How long does it take to receive my custom nail polish boxes?

The production and delivery time can vary depending on the complexity of your design and the quantity ordered. Generally, it takes about 6-8 business days for production and an additional 3-5 business days for delivery within the UK.

  1. What printing options are available for custom nail polish boxes?

We provide a range of printing options, including offset printing, digital printing, and flexographic printing. You can choose from various finishes such as matte, glossy, UV coating, and embossing to make your boxes stand out.

  1. Can I customize the design of my nail polish boxes?

Absolutely! Our designers can work with you to create a unique and eye-catching design that reflects your brand’s identity. We can tailor the boxes to your specifications, from logos and colors to special features like windows and inserts.

Special Capabilities

Custom Structure


Designed and manufactured according to your specifications, fully customized rigid structures.

Custom Inserts


A rigid structure tailored to your exact specifications that is fully customized.

Unlimited Paper


We offer a wide variety of textured and coloured papers for your convenience.

Unlimited Accessories


We offer unlimited custom accessories, such as handles and buttons, for your convenience. More information can be found at Special Finishing.

Leather Wooden 


Boxes that have been meticulously crafted from leather and wood.

Custom Ribbons


A wide variety of luxurious ribbons are available in our Custom Boxes.


Foil Stamping

Heat-transferred foil is applied to the paper surface of our packaging boxes.

Cut-out of a window

On the packaging surface, a cut-out is created.

Luminous UV Spot Gloss

luminous-uv- spot-gloss

Certain areas have been coated with a UV gloss coating. To learn more about this product, please check the coating and lamination.

Debossing and embossing

A raised or recessed pattern is created due to the unique process.

Window Patching

An innovative technique in which the cut-out is covered with a transparent plastic film.