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Elegant & Durable Custom Cookie Boxes for Your Bakery

Cookie Boxes

A custom cookie box is a packaging solution specially designed to meet a specific organisation’s unique needs and branding. These personalised cookie boxes are recognisable company logos and personalisedd distinctive design elements to create visually appealing and recognisable packaging. Besides their aesthetic appeal, cookie shipping boxes are constructed from durable materials to ensure that the cookies remain fresh and protected during transportation and storage. Besides providing a protective vessel and enhancing the overall customer experience, custom cookie boxes serve as a branding tool and protective vessel

Key Features

  • Add Any Special Add-Ons
  • Free Design Support
  • Free Shipping All Around the UK
  • Zero Set-Ups, Plates, and Die-Cuts Fee
  • Free 2D and 3D Design Mock-Ups
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Secure Payment Methods
  • Competitive Prices
  • Cutting-Edge Services

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Payment Methods


Custom Cookies Boxes

Everyone enjoys cookies, regardless of their gender, age, or class. As with the cookies themselves, the packaging of the cookies is expected to be of the same high quality. A wide variety of cookie boxes with custom designs are available to enhance the look and appeal of store shelves and other showcases in shops. To maintain the freshness of the product held within, these custom boxes can be imprinted with added safety.

There are several types of partitions or dividers available in various styles, shapes, colours, and sizes. Your needs will be met regardless of your resources. You may order this custom cookie packaging from stock and have it imprinted with your logo or design as you desire. Custom cookie packaging boxes can be designed and printed in any way you wish because we recognise that the design is a key element that makes them more engaging.

Cookie boxes with a competitive edge:

We maintain two important things while manufacturing custom-printed packaging. The first is to provide you with aggressive prices, and the second is to preserve the freshness of the cookies for as long as you require. A printed wholesale cookie box’s size is only determined by the number of cookies contained within it.

A variety of shapes are available, including round boxes, gable boxes, cube boxes, hexagonal boxes, rectangular boxes, pie boxes, pillow boxes, sleeve boxes, pyramid boxes, paper boxes, as well as straight tuck boxes, reverse tuck boxes, flat bottom boxes, bottom lock boxes, and interlocking top boxes. Custom-printed boxes can also be ordered with dividers or partitions to contain different types of cookies. Any shape box can also be fitted with a handle.

The following information should be printed on the packaging of your cookies:

On these handle-shaped boxes or window-shaped boxes, you can imprint your business logo and important ingredient information as well as graphics. For wholesale boxes, we use quality materials and top-quality water-based inks; thus, we use durable stocks and premium inks. Furthermore, cookie boxes are important for preserving the quality of a variety of cookies and attracting onlookers. Consequently, food-grade materials manufacture retail boxes with windows for cookies. Customboxesnearme.co.uk.com is a highly regarded printing and packaging company serving a wide range of companies worldwide.

Designing unique cookie boxes to enhance brand value

Create a brand identity that blends creativity and functionality with custom-printed cookie boxes. These bespoke packaging solutions will protect your delectable treats and serve as powerful brand ambassadors. Your customers will be left with a lasting impression of your brand when they receive custom cookie boxes that feature your logo, vibrant colour schemes, attractive designs, and engaging brand story. 

Your commitment to quality and uniqueness is communicated through the personal touch, which is beneficial to brand recognition and enhances brand recognition. When the packaging of your tasty cookies becomes synonymous with an eye-catching design, customer loyalty will increase substantially. With custom-printed cookie boxes, you can showcase your culinary masterpieces and create a memorable brand experience that will resonate with your audience, fostering long-term relationships and increasing the value of your brand.

Cookies Boxes Bulk – Get Delicious Deals

Discover great deals on cookie boxes in bulk and embark on a delicious journey of savings. Offering a wide range of bulk offerings, we cater to your sweet cravings without compromising your budget. Experience an exciting world of variety, where each box is a treasure trove of taste, and every bite is an opportunity to experience value. 

With our wholesale cookie box options, you will ensure a continuous supply of delicious treats while saving substantial amounts of money and making premium-quality cookies affordable for everyone. Enjoy the pleasure of unwrapping these tempting and economical hot deals to enhance your taste experience, maximise your budget, and maximise your savings.

What is the best printing technique for you?

You must select a printing technique to define how your cereal product box packaging will appear. Each year, many new techniques enter the market. Regarding quality, the difficulty lies in choosing which is best suited for you. Our printing services include the following:

  1. Offset Printing
  2. Digital Printing
  3. Screen Printing

Wholesale Bakery Printed Boxes Can Be Finished In The Following Ways:

We offer several attractive add-on options to make your printed bakery boxes more appealing to your customers.

  1. Spot UV
  2. Gloss laminated
  3. Matte Lamination
  4. Embossing
  5. Debossing
  6. Foiling (Gold & Silver)

Bakery boxes are manufactured from the following materials:

Boxes with window shapes are made from a variety of materials. Our most frequently used stocks are as follows:

  1. Cardboard Boxes
  2. Buxboard Boxes
  3. Kraft Board Boxes
  4. Corrugated Boxes

All the stocks mentioned above can vary in thickness and price. It is entirely dependent on the customer’s preferences.



Q.1 What customization options are available for custom cookie boxes?

At Custom Boxes Wholesale, we offer various customization options, including multiple sizes, shapes, colours, and designs. You can choose from materials such as cardboard, kraft, or corrugated. Additionally, we provide options for window cutouts, embossing, debossing, and foil stamping to make your cookie boxes stand out.


Q.2 For custom cookie boxes, what is the minimum order quantity?

Our minimum order quantity for custom cookie boxes is 100 units. This allows us to offer competitive pricing while ensuring high-quality production for your packaging needs.


Q.3 How long does it take to receive my custom cookie boxes?

The delivery time for our custom cookie boxes is typically 6 to 8 days from the date of order confirmation. We strive to ensure timely delivery while maintaining the highest quality standards.


Q.4 Can I get a sample of my custom cookie box before placing a full order?

Yes, we offer sample production services. You can request a sample of your custom cookie box to ensure it meets your specifications before proceeding with the full order. Please note that sample production may have an additional cost and extend the delivery timeline slightly.


Q.5 Are there eco-friendly options available for custom cookie boxes?

Absolutely! We offer eco-friendly materials such as recyclable cardboard and kraft paper for custom cookie boxes. These materials are sustainable and provide excellent protection for your cookies.


Q.6 What is the process for placing an order for custom cookie boxes?

To place an order, simply contact our sales team with your design specifications and requirements. We will provide you with a quote and digital proof for your approval. Once approved, we will proceed with production and deliver your custom cookie boxes within 6 to 8 days.


Q.7 Do you offer design assistance for custom cookie boxes?

Yes, we have a team of experienced designers who can assist you with creating the perfect design for your custom cookie boxes. Whether you need help with the overall concept or the final touches, our designers ensure your boxes look exactly as you envision.


Special Capabilities

Custom Structure


Designed and manufactured according to your specifications, fully customized rigid structures.

Custom Inserts


A rigid structure tailored to your exact specifications that is fully customized.

Unlimited Paper


We offer a wide variety of textured and coloured papers for your convenience.

Unlimited Accessories


We offer unlimited custom accessories, such as handles and buttons, for your convenience. More information can be found at Special Finishing.

Leather Wooden 


Boxes that have been meticulously crafted from leather and wood.

Custom Ribbons


A wide variety of luxurious ribbons are available in our Custom Boxes.


Foil Stamping

Heat-transferred foil is applied to the paper surface of our packaging boxes.

Cut-out of a window

On the packaging surface, a cut-out is created.

Luminous UV Spot Gloss

luminous-uv- spot-gloss

Certain areas have been coated with a UV gloss coating. To learn more about this product, please check the coating and lamination.

Debossing and embossing

A raised or recessed pattern is created due to the unique process.

Window Patching

An innovative technique in which the cut-out is covered with a transparent plastic film.