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Affordable Custom Handle Boxes – Fast Shipping Available

Handle Boxes

The use of custom handle boxes is very helpful in times of hardship; whenever a consumer does not have adequate space to place their personal belongings and luggage, custom handle boxes allow them to carry their luggage comfortably. Since the boxes have a handle, it is convenient to take items to any destination. Gifts may be sent, cosmetics may be kept, and food chains may use them.

Boxes made from this material are highly durable and provide additional protection to the  contents inside. Business owners have the option of ordering bulk handle boxes at wholesale prices. Our super-fast delivery service will deliver your handle boxes to your door in no time. All numbers, configurations, sizes, and shapes are catered to.

Key Features

  • Add Any Special Add-Ons
  • Free Design Support
  • Free Shipping All Around the UK
  • Zero Set-Ups, Plates, and Die-Cuts Fee
  • Free 2D and 3D Design Mock-Ups
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Secure Payment Methods
  • Competitive Prices
  • Cutting-Edge Services

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Payment Methods


Custom Handle Boxes | Hadle Packaging Wholesale

As business professionals, we know that it is really bad if our customers feel irritated while caring about our products. These custom handle boxes provide customers with the convenience and security they need to carry their products to their doorstep. We use high-quality packaging materials to construct these custom boxes that not only contain products but also help customers carry them with ease.

Gifts are commonly packaged in wholesale handle boxes. These product boxes can be customized according to your design ideas.

Creative box designs can help catch customers’ attention to a product that comes in custom boxes with handles. Brands that wish to package their products customized may benefit from handling boxes.

The design of custom handle packaging boxes

You can create efficient wholesale handle packaging boxes based on your specific design preferences and product nature. The packaging experts at CBNM craft professional packaging boxes equipped with handles to facilitate the transportation of products to their destinations.

For custom-handle packaging boxes, the following factors are crucial:

Material that is suitable for handle boxes

The highly durable packaging material used in the production of these packaging containers guarantees the products’ safety. The use of Kraft and cardboard materials for the production of custom product packaging is very widespread. It is not only an economical option for retail brands but also an eco-friendly, lightweight, and easily customizable material.

A protective finish can also be added to wholesale handle boxes to protect the products from harmful external factors, such as sunlight, moisture, and extreme temperature fluctuations. Suppose you wish to attract your target customer base to your brand. In that case, you can use different printing methods with luxury embellishments on the handle box packaging.

The packaging of handle boxes features striking printed designs

Creating eye-catching designs for custom handle boxes can significantly impact customers’ purchasing decisions. For uniquely printed handle packaging boxes, you may choose any box design. Our packaging solutions are customized to meet the needs of our clients according to the design and printing details they require. You can also customize the handles by printing details about your product/brand so that your custom boxes are unique from your competitors.

Also, wholesale packaging or custom handle packaging can be customized in any color design that matches the overall theme of your brand. Using handle packaging with your brand logo can improve your sales.

They distinguish your products from those of your competitors. In addition, you can customize your packaging bags or boxes with different finishes to make them stand out from the rest. Among these finishes are:

Handle packaging box options and finishes.

Finishes on packaging boxes can make your product look appealing to others and attract potential buyers. Product boxes with handle features can be enhanced with finishes and add-ons. It is a perfect fit for cosmetics, bakery, and gift products.

As you know, a wide variety of products can be customized with different embellishments. Many types of handles are available, from plastic to leather to macrame to leather to ribbon, which can enhance the appearance of your products.

Your product boxes can be finished with handles according to your products’ specific packaging requirements. Moreover, your handle box packaging can be customized with different add-ons to differentiate it from similar products. For instance, you can display the original product inside the box through the window feature.

It is important to make your brand stand out from your competitors in the retail marketplace with custom-printed handle boxes. They can assist you in increasing the number of customers you have and in strengthening the value and marketing of your brand. Custom Boxes Near Me specializes in providing professional packaging services for custom handle boxes with a window display feature.

What are the benefits of custom handle boxes for your brand?

This children’s steam set handle box comprises a corrugated plastic handle and corrugated material. Considering the target audience, the briefcase-shaped handle box has neon colors.

Designed with a cardboard material, this box sample features a mailer style and a plastic handle to offer unparalleled protection for items being packed inside. These boxes are distinguished in appearance by their matt finish and relevant artwork.

The sample below is for Anwen Joy, which provides a seamless appearance for all our clients’ leather products. With nylon handles and a matt finish, the boxes provide convenience and elegance for customers.

We intended to highlight Clover’s logo using a matte finish and minimal typography. We have used rigid material to protect bags and accessories. The straps of the boxes, designed with the company’s name on them, ensure the best branding experience.

This box, which has a gable handle and a die-cut window, is constructed of cardboard. Through the window, yup, beverages are presented elegantly.

We designed this box for our client Menu. For greater convenience, the strings are attached to the top of the box, considering the shape of the box and the packed items, e.g., shoes.

The Plato Woodwork sample kit comes in this elegant box that perfectly blends luxury and elegance. The boxes have black nylon handles to give them a professional appearance. The artwork is added using a spot UV process, and a gloss finish is applied to provide a premium appearance.

A gloss lamination further enhances the minimalist design of this medical handlebox. This box has a die-cut opening for the plastic handles, and the lid has a magnetic closure to enhance protection.

The competitive retail market offers a wide range of products, and different products require different packaging requirements. On the top of the box is a handle that makes it easier for consumers to carry the product home. The boxes can also be customized according to your specific design needs. A professionally designed and printed box can be used to promote your product and increase sales.

This will enable you to compete confidently with your competitors. Using these boxes ensures your success in the retail market. Packaging with handles designed by our experienced packaging designers makes your products stand out in the marketplace. This factor also facilitates the perception of your company as a customer-centric brand committed to customer satisfaction.

Our Packaging Solutions: Why Choose Us

Our company ranks among the top suppliers in the UK packaging market. Our product packaging services have earned us a large number of loyal clients. Using high-quality cardboard and handles, our packaging specialists produce top-quality boxes that provide excellent protection for products and attract customers with their attractive designs. They are also convenient to use and easy to carry for buyers.

The company also offers free custom design services, fast shipping in the UK with fast turnaround times (6 to 8 days), and no die and plate charges. Our wholesale candle boxes are also affordable for both new and well-established retailers.

We strive to use sustainable materials to create environmentally friendly handle boxes. Because of these key features, brands prefer our packaging company.

Order now!

Custom handle boxes would greatly benefit your brand and attract more customers. Custom Boxes Near Me is the best platform for you if you are looking for professional, top-notch packaging solutions for your products.

You are also welcome to share your packing design ideas with us. We will work with you to create the design of your dreams. Differentiate your products from those of other companies by providing unique packaging for your cardboard handle boxes.

Let’s get started, shall we? You can now order a custom handle box designed according to your specific requirements by placing a custom order. Our handle box packaging solutions will help you grow your business in a highly competitive market.

Dimensions Handle Boxes All Custom Sizes & Shapes
Printing CMYK, PMS, No Printing
Paper Stock Eco-Friendly Kraft, E-flute Corrugated, Bulk Board, Cardstock in 10pt to 28pt (60lb to 400lb)
Quantities 100 – 500,000
Coating Gloss, Matte, Spot UV
Default Process Die Cutting, Gluing, Scoring, Perforation
Options Cut outs for windows, gold/silver foiling, embossing, raised ink, PVC sheeting.
Proof Flat View, 3D Mock-up, Physical Sampling (On request)
Turn Around Time 6-8 Business Days, Rush

Special Capabilities

Custom Handle Boxes | Hadle Packaging Wholesale

As business professionals, we know that it is really bad if our customers feel irritated while caring about our products. These custom handle boxes provide customers with the convenience and security they need to carry their products to their doorstep. We use high-quality packaging materials to construct these custom boxes that not only contain products but also help customers carry them with ease.

Gifts are commonly packaged in wholesale handle boxes. These product boxes can be customized according to your design ideas.

Creative box designs can help catch customers’ attention to a product that comes in custom boxes with handles. Brands that wish to package their products customized may benefit from handling boxes.

The design of custom handle packaging boxes

You can create efficient wholesale handle packaging boxes based on your specific design preferences and product nature. The packaging experts at CBNM craft professional packaging boxes equipped with handles to facilitate the transportation of products to their destinations.

For custom-handle packaging boxes, the following factors are crucial:

Material that is suitable for handle boxes

The highly durable packaging material used in the production of these packaging containers guarantees the products’ safety. The use of Kraft and cardboard materials for the production of custom product packaging is very widespread. It is not only an economical option for retail brands but also an eco-friendly, lightweight, and easily customizable material.

A protective finish can also be added to wholesale handle boxes to protect the products from harmful external factors, such as sunlight, moisture, and extreme temperature fluctuations. Suppose you wish to attract your target customer base to your brand. In that case, you can use different printing methods with luxury embellishments on the handle box packaging.

The packaging of handle boxes features striking printed designs

Creating eye-catching designs for custom handle boxes can significantly impact customers’ purchasing decisions. For uniquely printed handle packaging boxes, you may choose any box design. Our packaging solutions are customized to meet the needs of our clients according to the design and printing details they require. You can also customize the handles by printing details about your product/brand so that your custom boxes are unique from your competitors.

Also, wholesale packaging or custom handle packaging can be customized in any color design that matches the overall theme of your brand. Using handle packaging with your brand logo can improve your sales.

They distinguish your products from those of your competitors. In addition, you can customize your packaging bags or boxes with different finishes to make them stand out from the rest. Among these finishes are:

Handle packaging box options and finishes.

Finishes on packaging boxes can make your product look appealing to others and attract potential buyers. Product boxes with handle features can be enhanced with finishes and add-ons. It is a perfect fit for cosmetics, bakery, and gift products.

As you know, a wide variety of products can be customized with different embellishments. Many types of handles are available, from plastic to leather to macrame to leather to ribbon, which can enhance the appearance of your products.

Your product boxes can be finished with handles according to your products’ specific packaging requirements. Moreover, your handle box packaging can be customized with different add-ons to differentiate it from similar products. For instance, you can display the original product inside the box through the window feature.

It is important to make your brand stand out from your competitors in the retail marketplace with custom-printed handle boxes. They can assist you in increasing the number of customers you have and in strengthening the value and marketing of your brand. Custom Boxes Near Me specializes in providing professional packaging services for custom handle boxes with a window display feature.

What are the benefits of custom handle boxes for your brand?

This children’s steam set handle box comprises a corrugated plastic handle and corrugated material. Considering the target audience, the briefcase-shaped handle box has neon colors.

Designed with a cardboard material, this box sample features a mailer style and a plastic handle to offer unparalleled protection for items being packed inside. These boxes are distinguished in appearance by their matt finish and relevant artwork.

The sample below is for Anwen Joy, which provides a seamless appearance for all our clients’ leather products. With nylon handles and a matt finish, the boxes provide convenience and elegance for customers.

We intended to highlight Clover’s logo using a matte finish and minimal typography. We have used rigid material to protect bags and accessories. The straps of the boxes, designed with the company’s name on them, ensure the best branding experience.

This box, which has a gable handle and a die-cut window, is constructed of cardboard. Through the window, yup, beverages are presented elegantly.

We designed this box for our client Menu. For greater convenience, the strings are attached to the top of the box, considering the shape of the box and the packed items, e.g., shoes.

The Plato Woodwork sample kit comes in this elegant box that perfectly blends luxury and elegance. The boxes have black nylon handles to give them a professional appearance. The artwork is added using a spot UV process, and a gloss finish is applied to provide a premium appearance.

A gloss lamination further enhances the minimalist design of this medical handlebox. This box has a die-cut opening for the plastic handles, and the lid has a magnetic closure to enhance protection.

The competitive retail market offers a wide range of products, and different products require different packaging requirements. On the top of the box is a handle that makes it easier for consumers to carry the product home. The boxes can also be customized according to your specific design needs. A professionally designed and printed box can be used to promote your product and increase sales.

This will enable you to compete confidently with your competitors. Using these boxes ensures your success in the retail market. Packaging with handles designed by our experienced packaging designers makes your products stand out in the marketplace. This factor also facilitates the perception of your company as a customer-centric brand committed to customer satisfaction.

Our Packaging Solutions: Why Choose Us

Our company ranks among the top suppliers in the UK packaging market. Our product packaging services have earned us a large number of loyal clients. Using high-quality cardboard and handles, our packaging specialists produce top-quality boxes that provide excellent protection for products and attract customers with their attractive designs. They are also convenient to use and easy to carry for buyers.

The company also offers free custom design services, fast shipping in the UK with fast turnaround times (6 to 8 days), and no die and plate charges. Our wholesale candle boxes are also affordable for both new and well-established retailers.

We strive to use sustainable materials to create environmentally friendly handle boxes. Because of these key features, brands prefer our packaging company.

Order now!

Custom handle boxes would greatly benefit your brand and attract more customers. Custom Boxes Near Me is the best platform for you if you are looking for professional, top-notch packaging solutions for your products.

You are also welcome to share your packing design ideas with us. We will work with you to create the design of your dreams. Differentiate your products from those of other companies by providing unique packaging for your cardboard handle boxes.

Let’s get started, shall we? You can now order a custom handle box designed according to your specific requirements by placing a custom order. Our handle box packaging solutions will help you grow your business in a highly competitive market.


Custom Handle Boxes | Hadle Packaging Wholesale

As business professionals, we know that it is really bad if our customers feel irritated while caring about our products. These custom handle boxes provide customers with the convenience and security they need to carry their products to their doorstep. We use high-quality packaging materials to construct these custom boxes that not only contain products but also help customers carry them with ease.

Gifts are commonly packaged in wholesale handle boxes. These product boxes can be customized according to your design ideas.

Creative box designs can help catch customers’ attention to a product that comes in custom boxes with handles. Brands that wish to package their products customized may benefit from handling boxes.

The design of custom handle packaging boxes

You can create efficient wholesale handle packaging boxes based on your specific design preferences and product nature. The packaging experts at CBNM craft professional packaging boxes equipped with handles to facilitate the transportation of products to their destinations.

For custom-handle packaging boxes, the following factors are crucial:

Material that is suitable for handle boxes

The highly durable packaging material used in the production of these packaging containers guarantees the products’ safety. The use of Kraft and cardboard materials for the production of custom product packaging is very widespread. It is not only an economical option for retail brands but also an eco-friendly, lightweight, and easily customizable material.

A protective finish can also be added to wholesale handle boxes to protect the products from harmful external factors, such as sunlight, moisture, and extreme temperature fluctuations. Suppose you wish to attract your target customer base to your brand. In that case, you can use different printing methods with luxury embellishments on the handle box packaging.

The packaging of handle boxes features striking printed designs

Creating eye-catching designs for custom handle boxes can significantly impact customers’ purchasing decisions. For uniquely printed handle packaging boxes, you may choose any box design. Our packaging solutions are customized to meet the needs of our clients according to the design and printing details they require. You can also customize the handles by printing details about your product/brand so that your custom boxes are unique from your competitors.

Also, wholesale packaging or custom handle packaging can be customized in any color design that matches the overall theme of your brand. Using handle packaging with your brand logo can improve your sales.

They distinguish your products from those of your competitors. In addition, you can customize your packaging bags or boxes with different finishes to make them stand out from the rest. Among these finishes are:

Handle packaging box options and finishes.

Finishes on packaging boxes can make your product look appealing to others and attract potential buyers. Product boxes with handle features can be enhanced with finishes and add-ons. It is a perfect fit for cosmetics, bakery, and gift products.

As you know, a wide variety of products can be customized with different embellishments. Many types of handles are available, from plastic to leather to macrame to leather to ribbon, which can enhance the appearance of your products.

Your product boxes can be finished with handles according to your products’ specific packaging requirements. Moreover, your handle box packaging can be customized with different add-ons to differentiate it from similar products. For instance, you can display the original product inside the box through the window feature.

It is important to make your brand stand out from your competitors in the retail marketplace with custom-printed handle boxes. They can assist you in increasing the number of customers you have and in strengthening the value and marketing of your brand. Custom Boxes Near Me specializes in providing professional packaging services for custom handle boxes with a window display feature.

What are the benefits of custom handle boxes for your brand?

This children’s steam set handle box comprises a corrugated plastic handle and corrugated material. Considering the target audience, the briefcase-shaped handle box has neon colors.

Designed with a cardboard material, this box sample features a mailer style and a plastic handle to offer unparalleled protection for items being packed inside. These boxes are distinguished in appearance by their matt finish and relevant artwork.

The sample below is for Anwen Joy, which provides a seamless appearance for all our clients’ leather products. With nylon handles and a matt finish, the boxes provide convenience and elegance for customers.

We intended to highlight Clover’s logo using a matte finish and minimal typography. We have used rigid material to protect bags and accessories. The straps of the boxes, designed with the company’s name on them, ensure the best branding experience.

This box, which has a gable handle and a die-cut window, is constructed of cardboard. Through the window, yup, beverages are presented elegantly.

We designed this box for our client Menu. For greater convenience, the strings are attached to the top of the box, considering the shape of the box and the packed items, e.g., shoes.

The Plato Woodwork sample kit comes in this elegant box that perfectly blends luxury and elegance. The boxes have black nylon handles to give them a professional appearance. The artwork is added using a spot UV process, and a gloss finish is applied to provide a premium appearance.

A gloss lamination further enhances the minimalist design of this medical handlebox. This box has a die-cut opening for the plastic handles, and the lid has a magnetic closure to enhance protection.

The competitive retail market offers a wide range of products, and different products require different packaging requirements. On the top of the box is a handle that makes it easier for consumers to carry the product home. The boxes can also be customized according to your specific design needs. A professionally designed and printed box can be used to promote your product and increase sales.

This will enable you to compete confidently with your competitors. Using these boxes ensures your success in the retail market. Packaging with handles designed by our experienced packaging designers makes your products stand out in the marketplace. This factor also facilitates the perception of your company as a customer-centric brand committed to customer satisfaction.

Our Packaging Solutions: Why Choose Us

Our company ranks among the top suppliers in the UK packaging market. Our product packaging services have earned us a large number of loyal clients. Using high-quality cardboard and handles, our packaging specialists produce top-quality boxes that provide excellent protection for products and attract customers with their attractive designs. They are also convenient to use and easy to carry for buyers.

The company also offers free custom design services, fast shipping in the UK with fast turnaround times (6 to 8 days), and no die and plate charges. Our wholesale candle boxes are also affordable for both new and well-established retailers.

We strive to use sustainable materials to create environmentally friendly handle boxes. Because of these key features, brands prefer our packaging company.

Order now!

Custom handle boxes would greatly benefit your brand and attract more customers. Custom Boxes Near Me is the best platform for you if you are looking for professional, top-notch packaging solutions for your products.

You are also welcome to share your packing design ideas with us. We will work with you to create the design of your dreams. Differentiate your products from those of other companies by providing unique packaging for your cardboard handle boxes.

Let’s get started, shall we? You can now order a custom handle box designed according to your specific requirements by placing a custom order. Our handle box packaging solutions will help you grow your business in a highly competitive market.