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Custom Cream Boxes Wholesale | UK’s Top Supplier

Cream Boxes

Creams and ointments must be packaged in custom boxes, whether they are beautifying or medicated creams. Custom boxes near me are produced according to the type or function of the cream, as determined by your instructions. Cosmetic businesses or cream manufacturers must present their products in an alluring manner that attracts customers.

Key Features

  • Add Any Special Add-Ons
  • Free Design Support
  • Free Shipping All Around the UK
  • Zero Set-Ups, Plates, and Die-Cuts Fee
  • Free 2D and 3D Design Mock-Ups
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Secure Payment Methods
  • Competitive Prices
  • Cutting-Edge Services
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Payment Methods


We offer beautiful cream packaging to pack a collection of beauty, cleansing, and anti-ageing creams to meet this need. Personalized Cream Boxes are highly effective at attracting the targeted market. At Custom Boxes Near Me, you can find high-quality and attractive packaging. Our custom boxes can be adorned with various custom designs, prints, and various add-on options. We offer cost-effective cream boxes that are well-designed as per your requirements.


The cosmetics industry has many magnificent products, including the cream. People primarily use it to keep their skin soft, gentle, and nourished. Various delicate ingredients are used in the manufacture of creams. Therefore, they require sound and thorough treatment. Thus, cream boxes provide essential protection for this profoundly rich cosmetic. A durable material has been used to manufacture these custom cream boxes. Even though their outer layer is extremely hard, their inner layers are carefully designed according to your product’s needs. As a result, if you are seeking to create a perfect and magnificent custom cream packaging box for your gloriously renowned product, then Custom Boxes Near Me would be an excellent and entirely appropriate choice.

Custom Boxes Near Me provides easy access to cream boxes.

As we are sure you will agree, finding the right cosmetic cream packaging for your product can be challenging. We have a team of professionals who can understand our customers’ needs, which is a major characteristic of our company. Custom Boxes Near Me provides various customization options for your custom cream boxes.

Our cream packaging offers an array of design options. As well as endless styles of boxes, you can select from a wide range of sizes and finishing options on our prestigious platform. You can choose from a wide range of fantastic customization options for your customized cream boxes. Below, we explain some of the other great features of our custom cream packaging boxes. Check them out with enthusiasm!


You can tell by looking at almost all cosmetic items prices are significantly high. How can they be so high? A reasonable explanation for this is that their manufacturing ingredients are extremely rare and unique. Due to this factor, they are expensive. Creams are no different. The material used to make them is also precious and expensive while also being delicate and fragile. Their cream boxes, which provide protection, should be durable. To ensure their protection at all times.


At Custom Boxes Near Me, we offer our clients a wide range of cream packaging materials.  The materials we provide are of a sturdy and stout construction. For the majority of these boxes, cardstock is used. Hard and durable, it can withstand all types of use. The corrugated boxes can be ordered if you require boxes for shipping your product. Corrugated cardboard is the hardest material available for boxes. This device is a stalwart and is capable of handling all laborious tasks. Generally, they are used by the customer in the process of shipping. This is why we provide custom cream boxes made from these materials in the UK.


Many women use cream, as evidenced by substantial research. Even though many men also use them in the modern age, most users are women. The design of the cream packaging must, therefore, be captivating. As a result, women are interested in attractive items. As a result, they prefer attractive products. Custom Boxes Near Me provides you with awe-inspiring designs for the packaging of your products to satisfy this essential need. Our special design team is a highly professional group.

They have a high level of training and are extremely creative. The proof is in our premade designs. You may choose from any of our archives to create the packaging for your item. However, you are free to design your boxes if you wish. As far as this is concerned, we will be of complete assistance to you. We will turn your ideal design into a reality by telling our design team what you have in mind. The designs can also be made from any cream, whether the packaging is for a face, hair, or foot cream.

Our Custom Cream Boxes are of the best quality; we deliver what we promise. A cream box is useful for packaging the product and can play a valuable role in promoting the product. We provide cream boxes with a unique design and the best artwork. To our valued customers, we offer Free Design Support, a quick turnaround time and Free Shipping.

Dimensions All Custom Sizes & Shapes
Printing CMYK, PMS, No Printing
Paper Stock Kraft paper, E-flute corrugated board, buff board, and card stock ranging in thickness from 10 point to 28 point (60lb to 400lb)
Quantities No Minimum
Coating Gloss, Matte, Spot UV
Default Process Die Cutting, Gluing, Scoring, Perforation
Options We provide custom window cut outs, gold and silver foiling, embossing, raised ink, and PVC sheeting.
Proof (On request) A flat view, a 3D mock-up, and a physical sample
Turn Around Time 6-8 Business Days , Rush


What materials are used for Custom Cream Boxes?

  • Custom Boxes Near Me uses high-quality, eco-friendly materials such as cardboard, corrugated cardboard, and Kraft paper to ensure durability and sustainability for your custom cream boxes.

Can I order Custom Cream Boxes with no minimum order quantity?

  • Yes, you can! We cater to all business sizes and offer no minimum order quantity, allowing you to order as many or as few custom cream boxes as you need.

How can I customize my Cream Boxes?

  • You can personalize your cream boxes by choosing the size, shape, design, colour, and finish. Additionally, you can add your logo, branding elements, and any other custom artwork to make your packaging stand out.

What is the turnaround time for Custom Cream Boxes?

  • Our standard turnaround time is typically 6-8 business days before your design is approved. We also offer expedited services if you need your boxes sooner.

Do you offer design assistance for Custom Cream Boxes?

  • Absolutely! Our experienced design team can help you create the perfect custom cream box. Whether you have a design ready or need assistance from scratch, we’re here to help.

How can I place an order for Custom Cream Boxes?

  • Placing an order is simple. Visit our website, complete the custom order form with your specifications, or contact our customer service team. We will guide you through the process and ensure you get the perfect packaging for your needs.

Special Capabilities

Custom Structure


Designed and manufactured according to your specifications, fully customized rigid structures.

Custom Inserts


A rigid structure tailored to your exact specifications that is fully customized.

Unlimited Paper


We offer a wide variety of textured and coloured papers for your convenience.

Unlimited Accessories


We offer unlimited custom accessories, such as handles and buttons, for your convenience. More information can be found at Special Finishing.

Leather Wooden 


Boxes that have been meticulously crafted from leather and wood.

Custom Ribbons


A wide variety of luxurious ribbons are available in our Custom Boxes.


Foil Stamping

Heat-transferred foil is applied to the paper surface of our packaging boxes.

Cut-out of a window

On the packaging surface, a cut-out is created.

Luminous UV Spot Gloss

luminous-uv- spot-gloss

Certain areas have been coated with a UV gloss coating. To learn more about this product, please check the coating and lamination.

Debossing and embossing

A raised or recessed pattern is created due to the unique process.

Window Patching

An innovative technique in which the cut-out is covered with a transparent plastic film.