Terms and Conditions

It is important that you carefully read the following Terms and Conditions. You must comply with these Terms and Conditions to access and use this Site. The use or access of this Site constitutes your agreement to these Terms and Conditions and any additional guidelines, restrictions, or rules that may apply to specific sections or services of the Site. These Terms and Conditions incorporate by reference all additional guidelines, restrictions, or rules posted on the Website.

Please note that Custom Boxes Near Me (LTD) reserves the right to change this Site at any time and without prior notice. The Terms of Use should be reviewed each time you access this Site.


You must understand and accept, as a user of our Website, that all the material used on our Site, including the content, representations, photographs, software, graphics, maps and other materials, falls under the category of “Our Website Contents” and is owned by customboxesnearme.co.uk. You are prohibited from using, duplicating, altering or republishing without our permission.


It is solely your responsibility to upload, post, or send any material you upload to our Website. As a result of sending, uploading, transferring, or publishing content to our Website or broadcasting through our Website, you agree that all content is used in consolidation with the Our Website Content, which prohibits using any content, picture, design, trademark, or other copyrighted material owned by another party without the owner’s permission. As a further condition, you agree not to send, upload, distribute or share any content through our Website that is indecent, unlawful or violates the intellectual property rights of customboxesnearme.co.uk or any other third parties.

We have no control over the content users, and customers post on customboxesnearme.co.uk. It is also not our responsibility to verify the legitimacy, accuracy, or quality of the content posted by users and customers. Customboxesnearme.co.uk accepts no responsibility for content you find offensive, profane, or oppressive.

It is Custom Boxes Near Me’ privilege to expel any vulgar, injurious, or inherently unlawful material. However, such material must not be removed if it disregards the terms and conditions or is unacceptable. Any organization may update or uncover the Site’s content as often as they wish

(a) Adhere to the legal process.

(b) Establish the terms of service.

(c) Explains how the web content violates the rights of outsiders.

(d) Protects our Website and its users’ rights, wealth, and well-being.

You are responsible for providing the Site with accurate information to enjoy our services and products. We intend our Website to be used exclusively by humans, and no other mechanical means will be used. Those who abuse this Website in a manner that disregards the terms and conditions of Custom Boxes Near Me will be prosecuted under the law.

Using our Website, you acknowledge that you have all the necessary consent, rights, and control to submit the order and authorize Custom Boxes Near Me to produce the requested items for your benefit. Using this Website and submitting your orders on our Site constitutes your agreement and warrant that you are of adequate legal age to enter into binding, lawful commitments.

Password security and access control are solely your responsibility. Accepting this agreement, you acknowledge that you are responsible for all requests and orders placed through your registered account. The user, or someone whom you have permitted to use your account, may submit orders using your password when you grant us an unhindered royalty-free and non-exclusive license to use, recreate, sublicense, modify, adjust, distribute, show, and create derivative works based on the content on the Site and the printed product for the storage of blueprints or order processing.

We require our clients to register their email addresses and names to access specific portions of our Website and create a secret password for future access. We may also request further information about an individual or business.

It is solely your responsibility to safeguard the confidentiality of your password, and you may not reveal it to anyone else. You agree that anyone who acquires unauthorized access to password-protected site areas due to your actions should be held accountable.

Your use of our Website constitutes your consent to the collection and use of your personal information in accordance with Custom Boxes Near Me’s “Protection Policy.” You understand and agree that your personal and business data will be gathered and used in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy.

Assurances & Limitations of Liability

As a result of your agreement, Custom Boxes Near Me and its individuals, executives, employees, delegates, merchants, suppliers, members, and subcontractors will be guarded, reimbursed and held harmless from and against any claims or harms. If a claim or attest is filed against the organization relating to alleged wrongdoing by the client or unproven printing performed by the organization on the items requested by the client, the organization will be held accountable.

(a.) Ignores any assurances that an individual may provide.

(b.) Includes harmful, noxious, or offensive events.

(c) Result from unauthorized access to password-protected areas of our Website.

It is your responsibility to reimburse and hold us harmless from any misfortune, damage, destruction, or vandalism that may arise as a consequence of any claim you make

(1.) Protect the organization against claims

(2.) Tip the jury.

(3) Reimbursement of any legal fees and costs incurred by us.

It is understood that the Company will not be liable for any accidents, deaths, dangerous events, harm, or delays caused to any of its experts, representatives, sales staff, media representatives, or relevant experts resulting from the use of our Site or the data received, or if any party was advised of such danger.

It is our responsibility not to exceed the sum you have paid Custom Boxes Near Me for the request or demand in any way for any harm, misfortune, or reason for the activity, including but not limited to carelessness, arising from this agreement or your use of our Site.

Yearly Holidays:

Customboxesnearme.co.uk will not be available on the following holidays:

• New Year’s Day

• Day after New Year’s Day

• Easter Monday

• Labor Day

• Christmas

• National Patriots Day

• Thanksgiving

Return and Refund Policy

If you discover any problems with your item’s printing or if the item does not meet your specifications, you must notify the organization within three working days of receipt. We will reproduce your original order in case of defective or unrequested printing. However, we cannot offer a refund for such occurrences. The administrative team checks for defects. Suppose the client wishes to obtain the reprinted product. In that case, they must send a picture of the defective item to the organization using their money within seven business days of receiving the defective item. The charges associated with accelerated orders cannot be refunded.

Placement of orders, cancellations, and payments

Our site charges in pounds and dollars for our products. The same procedure will be followed for receiving payment. Your orders will be processed once the organization receives payment for the total amount you owe them, including taxes, shipping charges, etc.

The final form of the ordered product or service must be emailed or mailed to us. Once you have finalized your order with us, it is forwarded to the printing department for printing. No changes can be made once the order has reached the printing phase. There is, however, a period of four hours in which you may cancel your order after approval of the proof.

Cancellation fees are 50 dollars, and 5 per cent of the total order amount will be deducted. As you take longer to cancel your order, you incur more charges. Should you cancel an order after 24 hours, you will be charged 50% of the total amount. You will be charged this amount to compensate the Company for the wasted time and resources it used in completing your order. Despite this, cancellations after 24 hours are not guaranteed.

We may cancel any order without prior notice or explanation.

Design Orders

Design services orders cannot be reimbursed or credited. Upon placing an order, it is final.

Tax policy for sales

As a United Kingdom-based company, we charge GST on all orders that originate in the United Kingdom. If you are tax-exempt, please include a copy of your tax exemption certificate during the ordering process.

The customer submitted artwork and files.

As proof, our team of professionals prepares a hardcopy or electronic copy of all artwork and files submitted by website users. To ensure the highest quality of your artwork, we require you to submit it in CMYK format with a resolution of at least 300 dots per inch in the final size. Our Company cannot be held liable if you do not comply with this requirement since converting your files to CMYK format may result in distortion, vagueness, pixilation, and colour changes.

As the sole owner of the artwork and files, you are solely responsible for their accuracy and correctness. Also, you are responsible for aligning and orienting the pages of your submitted files. We do not have liability for any loss, damage, or destruction of your artwork/file submissions. However, we will take all necessary precautions to ensure your artwork and files are not lost.

The content you upload to our Website must be your own, or you must have taken the necessary steps to obtain the right to use it legally.

Additionally, we reserve the right to refuse any order that we consider illegal or in violation of the rights of third parties. It is your legal responsibility to ensure that all the material printed and processed on your behalf and according to your guidelines is legal. You must not upload any harmful, offensive, obscene, or profane material for printing on the custom boxes.

Accuracy of colour proofs

Suppose you order a service or printing product. In that case, you must approve the proof electronically or with a hard copy. Orders can only be sent to the printing press with your approval of the proof. In this regard, you are responsible for logging in to your registered account and reviewing the proof we require. We are not responsible for delays caused by our customers’ non-approval of the proof. After you have approved the proof, the turnaround time mentioned on our Website will begin.

Before approving your proof, please review it carefully and thoroughly. The original file must be checked for possible errors in duplication, spacing, structure, punctuation, bleeds, size, cropping, and the final content. Ensure that your electronic proof does not display any issues with transparency, overprinting, or colour changes resulting from a conversion from RGB to CMYK. Their appearance may be affected if the printed colours are laminated or UV-coated. It is understood that we are not responsible for the final appearance of the laminated product(s).

A final approved proof is the responsibility of the customer.

Colour accuracy cannot be guaranteed due to inherent limitations of printing processes and adjoining picture ink requirements, as the colour will be produced from the submitted artwork file. When you place an order, you agree to the system’s drawbacks. We advise the employees to provide the closest colour to what is expected.

However, we are not liable for colour variations between what is expected and what is printed. Because of the system’s limitations, such colour alterations will not be reprinted. Please note that we are not responsible for the colour, ink, or density of your approved printed products. Nonetheless, the Company guarantees colour accuracy and matching if you order a hard proof. We want to inform you that the cost of a hard copy proof will be higher than a soft copy proof.

Errors are not liable.

The Company is not responsible for any errors that may occur in the final product as a result of any of the following conditions:

Misspellings, grammar errors, and font errors

Errors in printing

Die lines, incorrect fonts, and crop marks. Cracks in the folds

Markings and punctuation in graphics

Product size difference

Underruns and overruns

Our standard delivery method is to deliver the exact number of products ordered, plus a small surplus, without charging any additional fees to our customers. During an under-run, your bill will equal the quantity you received. As a general rule, the most accepted trade practice is to deliver 5% of the quantity ordered, in addition to or subtraction from the original order, which is the approach we follow.

Production, delivery, and shipping times

Once we have received your artwork or files, reviewed them, have accepted them by our pre-press department, approved the press-ready proof (electronic or hard copy), and have received all the dues, our turnaround time for printing and production speed begins. When placing an order, you can select the speed of production, which indicates the number of business days required to print your order and forward it to the shipping company for delivery. Your approval of the proof should be received before 10:00 a.m. Central Standard Time.

Our primary concern is the timely printing and delivery of orders. Please note, however, that Custom Boxes Near Me will not be liable for any harm or consequence resulting from a delay in delivery or shipment. As a condition of this agreement, you agree to not hold Custom Boxes Near Me liable for any delays that might occur in shipping due to adverse weather conditions beyond our control. Should there be a delay in shipping, bad weather conditions, customs issues, equipment failure during the printing process, or technical issues, the expedited charges will be refunded. There will be no cancellation of orders due to printing delays.

Shipping takes 10-12 business days and 4-6 business days (usually 2-3 business days for ground transport) to any ONE LOCATION PER ORDER (in England only), without weight or quantity limit. There will be an additional charge if the order is shipped to another destination or any location outside of England, such as Scotland, Ireland, etc. Our Company is not responsible for any loss, delay, damage, or theft of printed products during shipment or delivery. Also, we do not guarantee delivery or shipping times. We will not be responsible for any damage that occurs during shipping. It is possible to file a claim for damage or loss of shipment within six business days of the date the package was shipped.

Custom Boxes Near Me is not responsible for any delays caused by the shipping or courier company after the printing/packaging materials have been transferred to them. In light of this, we cannot be held responsible for delays or resulting losses.

If you provide us with an incorrect shipment delivery address or otherwise make errors in supplying the complete delivery address, we will charge you additional handling and shipping charges.

Changes to the Terms and Conditions and the Website

Please be informed that we reserve the right to change and alter any part of our Website, including the terms and conditions, at any time and without prior notice. All changes to our Website, including the terms and conditions, will take effect immediately. As long as you continue to use our Website after the changes have been implemented, we will consider you to agree with those changes.