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Custom Shirt Boxes Wholesale 100% Eco Friendly Packaging

Custom Shirt Boxes

Shirt boxes are always in high demand. However, people are highly selective about what they wear. Good branding is an important factor in attracting customers, and well-known brands are preferred. In addition to utilizing quality materials in their packaging, these well-known brands gained their reputations through careful advertising and unique designs.

Your brand is reflected in the unboxing experience. We at Custom Boxes Near Me offer Custom Printed Shirt Boxes to ensure your brand stands out in the industry. Our rates are the lowest in the industry, and we offer free delivery. You can also receive an instant quote from Custom Boxes Near Me. Our archives collection provides a visual representation of our many designs.

Key Features

  • Add Any Special Add-Ons
  • Free Design Support
  • Free Shipping All Around the UK
  • Zero Set-Ups, Plates, and Die-Cuts Fee
  • Free 2D and 3D Design Mock-Ups
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Secure Payment Methods
  • Competitive Prices
  • Cutting-Edge Services

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Payment Methods



We specialize in custom design, which allows us to meet the needs of all our clients. Our 3-D mockups are available upon request for all your designs, allowing you to see your ideas come to life and flourish. Before ordering bulk Custom Shirt Boxes Packaging, please take a look at the following: We offer free delivery as well as many other services. Later, I will discuss that topic.


Brands often have extravagant clothing that requires presentation shirt packaging. Your clothing can be viewed through these presentation boxes. Custom Boxes Near Me makes the best custom shirt boxes in the UK.

You can expect to pay quite a high price for Custom Shirt Boxes UK services. You will always receive the best value for your money with Custom Boxes Near Me because we provide shirt boxes at wholesale rates.


Using custom shirt packaging boxes can give your brand a sense of personality. A brand’s lifecycle that uses custom garment packaging is marked by mediocrity. Regardless of the quality of your product, unless it is packaged in accordance with the standards of elegance, there is no chance that it will reach the heights it deserves. To brand yourself effectively, you must target a specific audience.

Each target audience has different preferences. Various materials and designs can be used to communicate with each of them. The packaging of your clothes will also play a role in determining the price you can charge. To gain an understanding of the types of shirt packaging designs, you may wish to view our archives collection. Shirt packaging designs such as these can be used as they are. You may also choose them and modify them as needed.


Before choosing your custom shirt packaging design, it is essential that you understand exactly who you are designing these custom shirt boxes for. Your custom shirt boxes should be designed according to the value of your products and the preferences of the people who will purchase them.

A Custom Boxes Near Me representative can help you with this process by making a simple telephone call. Based on your organization’s needs and target audience, they can assist you in selecting the printing and design options. We aim to ensure that you receive the best value for your money.

Creating packaging based on target audiences will increase sales, as custom packaging attracts customers from far and wide, allowing you to increase sales.


Custom Boxes Near Me strives to make everything easily customizable for our clients. We can create any design you can imagine.

We offer our customers the opportunity to view our creativity by exploring our archives in case they need a design made by the Custom Boxes Near Me team. Since we manufacture them in bulk, you can obtain plain white or plain black shirt boxes at a very reasonable price. Custom shirt packaging commonly uses them.

Our archives are available, as is the option to create your own custom designs. These will enhance the appearance of your packaging and give it a more personal touch. Custom designs allow you to create your brand and name. Having a solid foundation will assist you in establishing your business.


Custom Boxes Near Me also fulfils special requests. For your packaging needs, we offer a variety of materials and finishes. Many of our clients are offered additional materials and services at an additional cost. The finishes we offer include matte, linen, and spot UV. Please let us know if you require more options.

We also create a 3-D model design for clients who are concerned about the final appearance of the product. Custom Boxes Near Me‘s responsibility is to make its clients a 3-D model that is accurate and will assist them in deciding whether to make any further changes to their designs and what the final product will appear like.

We can even send finished Custom Shirt Boxes to our clients for large orders or special requests so they can see the finished design and make any necessary changes before we complete the order.

Why Us?

  1. Eco-friendly materials of the highest quality
  2. Available in a variety of sizes and shapes
  3. A custom design and printing facility is available
  4. The fastest delivery time possible
  5. Price competitiveness

Add-Ons Offered:

  1. Cut-to-size windows
  2. Embossing
  3. Foiling in gold and silver
  4. Attached are strings
  5. Inserts that are customized


We usually process orders within 6 to 8 business days. However, we complete orders ahead of schedule. Our shirt boxes are also delivered for free throughout the United Kingdom. Custom Boxes Near Me is fully responsible for your order from beginning to end.



Dimensions All Custom Sizes & Shapes
Printing CMYK, PMS, No Printing
Paper Stock 10pt to 28pt (60lb to 400lb) Eco-Friendly Kraft, E-flute Corrugated, Bux Board, Cardstock
Quantities No Minimum
Coating Gloss, Matte, Spot UV
Default Process Die Cutting, Gluing, Scoring, Perforation
Options Custom Window Cut Out, Gold/Silver Foiling, Embossing, Raised Ink, PVC Sheet.
Proof Flat View, 3D Mock-up, Physical Sampling (On request)
Turn Around Time 6-8 Business Days, Rush


1. What are custom shirt boxes, and why are they beneficial for my business?

Custom shirt boxes are specially designed packaging solutions tailored to fit and protect shirts. They offer a sleek and professional presentation, which can enhance the customer experience and increase brand loyalty. Custom shirt boxes also provide an excellent opportunity to showcase your brand’s identity, making your products stand out in a competitive market.

2. How can I customize the design and material of the custom shirt boxes?

At Custom Boxes Near Me, you can fully personalize your custom shirt boxes to reflect your brand’s style. Choose from various materials, such as high-quality cardboard, kraft paper, or luxury rigid boxes. Customize the design with your brand’s logo, colour palette, and unique artwork. You can also select specific sizes and finishes to ensure the perfect fit and look for your shirts.

3. What is the production and delivery time for custom shirt boxes?

We prioritize efficiency and quality at Custom Boxes Near Me. The production and delivery time for custom shirt boxes is typically 6 to 8 days from the time of order approval. This quick turnaround ensures you receive your custom packaging promptly, helping you meet your business needs without delay.

4. Are there eco-friendly options available for custom shirt boxes?

Yes, Custom Boxes Near Me is committed to sustainability. We offer eco-friendly options for custom shirt boxes, including recycled cardboard and kraft paper. Additionally, we use environmentally friendly inks and finishes to help reduce your environmental footprint while maintaining a premium look and feel for your packaging.

5. Can I order custom shirt boxes in different sizes and styles?

Absolutely. At Custom Boxes Near Me, we provide a variety of sizes and styles for custom shirt boxes to suit different types of shirts and packaging preferences. Whether you need a slim, elegant box for a single dress shirt or a larger, more robust box for multiple shirts, we can create custom solutions that perfectly match your requirements and enhance the presentation of your products.

Special Capabilities

Custom Structure


Designed and manufactured according to your specifications, fully customized rigid structures.

Custom Inserts


A rigid structure tailored to your exact specifications that is fully customized.

Unlimited Paper


We offer a wide variety of textured and coloured papers for your convenience.

Unlimited Accessories


We offer unlimited custom accessories, such as handles and buttons, for your convenience. More information can be found at Special Finishing.

Leather Wooden 


Boxes that have been meticulously crafted from leather and wood.

Custom Ribbons


A wide variety of luxurious ribbons are available in our Custom Boxes.


Foil Stamping

Heat-transferred foil is applied to the paper surface of our packaging boxes.

Cut-out of a window

On the packaging surface, a cut-out is created.

Luminous UV Spot Gloss

luminous-uv- spot-gloss

Certain areas have been coated with a UV gloss coating. To learn more about this product, please check the coating and lamination.

Debossing and embossing

A raised or recessed pattern is created due to the unique process.

Window Patching

An innovative technique in which the cut-out is covered with a transparent plastic film.