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Black Candle Boxes Wholesale – Stylish and Durable

Black Candle Boxes

Our company offers black candle boxes and other varieties of candle boxes. We offer a wide range of sophisticated, intriguing, and charming designs. You may also alter your candle box’s design, logo, and colour to make it truly unique. Various candle packaging options are available, including pillar boxes and window boxes packaged with 30 black candles.

Key Features

  • Add Any Special Add-Ons
  • Free Design Support
  • Free Shipping All Around the UK
  • Zero Set-Ups, Plates, and Die-Cuts Fee
  • Free 2D and 3D Design Mock-Ups
  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Secure Payment Methods
  • Competitive Prices
  • Cutting-Edge Services
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Payment Methods


It is possible to create paper candle boxes that appear in the manner you desire by selecting the process of making papers, coatings, and ribbons. You can make a simple candle into a thoughtful gift by putting it in a stylish or black candle gift box. Candlemakers, hobbyists, or owners of gift shops can give each candle a unique touch by packaging it in a box.

Wholesale Black Candle Boxes at Custom Boxes Near Me

Custom Boxes Near Me UK offers wholesale black candle boxes of the highest quality. There is a variety of sizes and styles available to meet your needs. You can expect to receive the following from us: High-Quality Materials: We use durable materials to produce our packaging boxes. During transit, your candles will be protected and ensure longevity.  We also offer a variety of sizes to suit your needs. Please inquire about custom sizes by contacting us. Our candle boxes are available in various styles, including two-piece boxes with lids and window boxes.  We also offer you the opportunity to customise your order. Customise your black candle boxes to reach new heights. 

Boxes for black candles made of sturdy material

When packaging sensitive items such as candles, the material used is a critical decision. You can be assured that your candles will always arrive to your customers in excellent condition when you choose our black paper candle boxes.

Black Candle Cardstock

A cardstock base adds strength, rigidity, and flexibility to small candles. Providing an excellent printing surface enables printing a large number of impressions without being damaged by minor mechanical shocks during transportation.

Black Candle Cardboard

Due to its durability and ability to adapt to various environments, cardboard is one of the most commonly used vessel materials. This product provides outstanding shielding against the surroundings and can be used for various sizes and designs of candles.

Black Candle Kraft Paper

The eco-friendliness of Kraft paper makes it an ideal option if your budget permits. This packaging is made of recycled materials and has a rustic appearance, making it ideal for candle packaging. It is surprising that kraft paper is solid and tear-resistant despite its natural appearance.

Black Candle Corrugated

Additionally, corrugated material acts as a protective measure. This product’s specific structure, consisting of layers of flutes, provides the best sponging so that candles can be sent a long distance with complete safety assurance.

Black Candle Rigid Board

It is a rigid board material that is used in the manufacture of personalised rigid candle boxes, which are designed to make a statement. This rigid board material offers a high inventory turnover advantage and can heat-treat bulk quantities. In retail locations that feature upmarket candles, this tealight holder provides high-performance tealights with premium quality and a substantial feel.

The Black Candle Box Executive Coating

Your brand needs to stand out from the crowd regarding packaging. At CBNM, we recognise the importance of this. We offer a range of high-end surface finishes and coatings for black candle box packaging to make your supplies stand out.

Satin Finish

Obtain an elegant, soft texture with a satin finish coating. A slight glaze is applied to the boxes to improve their appearance and make them look more elegant.

Gloss Finish

We offer a gloss finish coating that will give you a bold and vivid appearance. With its mirror finish, it not only provides additional protection against scratches and other wear and tear effects, but it also makes it easier to apply.

Matte Finish

Our matte finish coating provides a sleek, neutral look for your space. Having an insulating and non-reflective surface quality, it is ideal for candles of superior quality.

Coating for a soft touch

Take your candle packaging to the next level with our soft-touch coating, which makes it feel more tactile. This gives the surface a velvety feel; in this way, your customers can touch it and discover a variety of details and characteristics.

Coatings based on water

The quality of your candle boxes will also improve greatly since we apply an aqueous coating, thereby increasing its strength and longevity. This system provides a protective seal that is watertight and scuff-resistant, maintaining the neat appearance of your packaging during its transit.


Lamination coating provides long-term durability and protection. Applying a thin layer of coating to the black candle boxes prevents scratches, humidity, or other damages from occurring.

Lamination that resists scratching

Ensure your candle packaging is scratch-free by coating it with our anti-scratch lamination. Your boxes will be more portable and more resistant to abrasion and damage, ensuring they remain spotless throughout long handling and transportation.

Black candle boxes are a useful tool for developing a brand image.

It is best to imprint your brand logo on the printed candle boxes to build your company’s brand image. Your candle will be presented neatly with fancy designs and printing styles.

An effective logo can be as simple as a logo. The standard practice is always to present candles as formal gifts, which can also be used on certain occasions. Thus, when your candle is presented in beautiful boxes at such events, it can play a significant role in promoting the image of your candle brand.

As the demand for candles grows, many brands continuously emerge, creating intense competition within the candle industry. This resulted in each brand finding it more difficult to remain competitive. It is nevertheless a very effective method of communicating the company’s vision through these white candle boxes.

The more attractive the packaging, the greater the chance of impressing the market. The more attractive your candle packages are, the more likely you are to sell them.

WHY Custom Boxes Near Me?

The company has taken great pride in serving hundreds of customers since it was founded, which cannot be overstated. Having maintained a high client retention rate, we offer various solutions to suit your needs.

Our company will be prepared to serve your company and increase its revenue within a certain period. As a bonus, we offer a wide variety of 30cl candle boxes with perks and features that can be customised.

Boxes Near Me is a leading provider of custom boxes.

Our policy is to provide the best value for money with the highest quality Custom Candle Boxes. Our boxes can also set packaging trends effortlessly, as they are unique creations. You are free to choose any design or theme that complements your business. Your brand will be more loyal to your consumers with our Candle Packaging Boxes. Our company also provides premium shipping packages at the right time for delivery. Ensure that your delicate items are handled with care as well.


Dimensions All Custom Sizes & Shapes
Printing CMYK, PMS, No Printing
Paper Stock Kraft paper, E-flute corrugated board, buff board, and card stock ranging in thickness from 10 point to 28 point (60lb to 400lb)
Quantities No Minimum
Coating Gloss, Matte, Spot UV
Default Process Die Cutting, Gluing, Scoring, Perforation
Options We provide custom window cut outs, gold and silver foiling, embossing, raised ink, and PVC sheeting.
Proof (On request) A flat view, a 3D mock-up, and a physical sample
Turn Around Time 6-8 Business Days , Rush

FAQs for Black Candle Boxes

  1. What sizes of black candle boxes do you offer?

We offer a variety of sizes to accommodate different candle shapes and dimensions. You can customize the size to fit your specific needs.

  1. Can I customize the design of my black candle boxes?

Absolutely! We provide full customization options, including size, design, and printing. You can add your logo, artwork, and other branding elements to make your boxes unique.

  1. What is the minimum order quantity for black candle boxes?

At Custom Boxes Near Me, we have no minimum order requirements. We offer a wide range of box sizes for you to choose from.

  1. When will my order be delivered?

Our standard delivery time is 6 to 8 days. We ensure your order reaches you as quickly as possible without compromising quality.

  1. Do you offer free shipping?

Yes, we offer free shipping on all orders, so you won’t have to worry about additional shipping costs.

  1. Are your black candle boxes eco-friendly?

Yes, we offer eco-friendly packaging options. Our black candle boxes can be made from recyclable materials to support sustainable practices.

Special Capabilities

Custom Structure


Designed and manufactured according to your specifications, fully customized rigid structures.

Custom Inserts


A rigid structure tailored to your exact specifications that is fully customized.

Unlimited Paper


We offer a wide variety of textured and coloured papers for your convenience.

Unlimited Accessories


We offer unlimited custom accessories, such as handles and buttons, for your convenience. More information can be found at Special Finishing.

Leather Wooden 


Boxes that have been meticulously crafted from leather and wood.

Custom Ribbons


A wide variety of luxurious ribbons are available in our Custom Boxes.


Foil Stamping

Heat-transferred foil is applied to the paper surface of our packaging boxes.

Cut-out of a window

On the packaging surface, a cut-out is created.

Luminous UV Spot Gloss

luminous-uv- spot-gloss

Certain areas have been coated with a UV gloss coating. To learn more about this product, please check the coating and lamination.

Debossing and embossing

A raised or recessed pattern is created due to the unique process.

Window Patching

An innovative technique in which the cut-out is covered with a transparent plastic film.